Where am I now?

pexels-photo-297642.jpeg4 years on, almost to the day, I have logged into my old WordPress blog that I had to create as part of a uni assessment. Talk about flashback!

And why am I here you may ask? I have to write a bio about myself for the blog Eat Pray Workout. I’ll be doing some content writing for the site and wanted some inspo for my bio. I remembered this blog, my old email and my old password and thought I’d check it out.

I’ve found it so interesting to hear from my 20 year old self on what my hopes and aspirations were and to see where I am now. Where is that, you might wonder? That is to come.

Progress. I think?

This internship has taught me about myself. Every day I have learnt something new.

I have learnt that I am not the most creative writer. This resounds true in me whenever I have to think up a catchy heading, punchy intro, Facebook post or captivating tweet (probably why I didn’t do a degree in creative writing?). Creative writing isn’t my passion. I worry I’ll get it wrong or won’t capture the whole message. This can make me nervous.

Nevertheless, I am sure this will come more naturally with time and I am determined to keep working on it. On the other hand, I am trying to make economics sound exciting for my organisation but am part of a generation that would rather not, thanks all the same.

I have learnt that I love dealing with people. I thoroughly enjoy interacting, organising and taking care of them. I haven’t been able to do as I sit at my desk writing media alerts but is something I thrive on when I attend forums, events or even just meetings. In the long run, something interactive may be a bit better suited for me. A whole day behind the desk feels long, tiresome, possibly even boring, I hate to say. Mix a day at the desk in with a meeting, interview, journalists or even a few phone calls and it feels like a different experience.

This internship has not only pushed me to learn about myself, it has also made me consider what it means to be professional in a work place. Well, what does that mean? I think I am still figuring this one out.

So far in my office, four letter words fly left, right and centre. Funny how quickly this changes as soon as a professor is on the phone. Suddenly, staff become polite, gentle and understanding. Is this professional? At the moment, I’m tending to think not. I don’t believe professional conduct should involve individuals letting their tongue loose in an office space. Nor do I think it is ethical to be two faced… It makes me begin to wonder, what do they say about me when I’m out of the office?

My knowledge so far has served me well and helps me as I clumsily stumble through the in’s and out’s of the office world.

Maybe I still have a lot to learn. In fact, I am sure I do.

The real world, through the eyes of an intern

I must admit, I am new to blogging. Just as I am new to the idea of working in the real world. That is what my internship is preparing me for right?


I am feeling a little daunted at the idea of putting what I’ve learnt into practice. After all, what if I can’t do what they ask? What if I forget how to write a media release? What if I forget what makes a story newsworthy? What if I don’t get the angle right? I really hope my employer will be patient with me as I learn!

 Today in the seminar, the questions and worries of other students let me know that I am not alone. There were others who had these same fears as me.

However, I was encouraged today to focus on my expectations of the internship. Expectation is not a word I have thought on much. I have thought about what I hope for from this internship but not what I expect. Both are indicative towards what I want from this internship. I want so many things!

 I expect to get some real experience, hope to get some direction and understanding of what work I enjoy and I want experience. Others mentioned wanting contacts out of this. This is not something I had considered much either. There is a little hope tucked away that this internship will help me get a job, but contacts? It was a great point raised by another student that has encouraged me to meet more people and spread my feelers out.

We were also asked to consider possible ethical dilemmas. My small group did not talk about this much but from later sharing, it appeared people are concerned about being put in situations where they feel compromised or possibly being a little bit ‘exploited’ as we are, after all, unpaid interns.

What do I want long term though? That was the challenging question posed by Barbara. What I am doing now will get me to the end of this final year in this season of my life and maybe some work for a few years after. But I have dreams. I dream of working in an NGO, of working in an organisation that wants to help people and serve people. I dream of working for an organisation whose ideologies and goals I can firmly believe in and advocate for.

Long term seems far away; I need to get this internship right first!